Hello, friends!

We're well into the dog days of summer, and here at Team MUTTS, we've been busy building a new wag-worthy community! We're thrilled to let you know that we'll soon be launching YAP, a MUTTS online community where all animal lovers and MUTTS readers can come together, share stories, swap ideas, and build new friendships.

To make this free community the best it can be, we'd love to ask you a few questions. Please share your thoughts with us in this short survey! Plus, as a thank you for answering our questions, you'll receive a one-time promo code for 15% off your next purchase. Yesh!

We've also been busy this month celebrating Clear the Shelters. This nationwide adoption initiative is taking place throughout the month of August to help pets find their forever homes and raise funds for shelters to support their incredible work. Take a gander at our recent blog post to learn how you can help! And if you've adopted a pet this year, we've got a very special giveaway to celebrate.

Finally, as we do every year, we headed down to the Shore to enjoy a little bit of sand and sea. But as is always the case, we found happiness there too.

August 2, 2022 MUTTS Comic Strip
Published August 2, 2022 | Fetch This Strip


August 3, 2022 MUTTS Comic Strip
Published August 3, 2022 | Fetch This Strip


August 4, 2022 MUTTS Comic Strip
Published August 4, 2022 | Fetch This Strip


May you be as happy as a clam, a lark, a pig in mud, and a warm puppy combined.

Sending sandy-nosed nuzzles,



Comments (17)

I like to start every day with the Daily Mutts cartoon. It’s so sweet, and it always makes me smile! Patrick is so clever.

Carol Hagarty

Mutts is life.

Michael Edwards

I enjoy all things Mutts!

Dorothy Cottrell

every morning and I mean ‘EVERY’ you are my treat – those guys in the strip – are profound in their actions
and words .. thank you Mutts for being my friend and Patrick for the JOY you can bring to us that wait each
day for the special greetings -

jane hunsberger

A co-worker showed me my first Mutts comic a few years ago and I have been hooked ever since. No matter what is going on in my life it makes me smile. Love, love, love all the animals but Mooch is my favorite!!! Keep up the good work.

Judy Fjellman

One version of “Happy as a clam” is “Happy as a clam at high tide”.

Rosamond McDonnell

The archaic practice of exploiting exotic animals in traveling circuses continues in the USA. This needs to be nationally banned. Thank you.

adrienne possenti

Innocence! Kindness! Love—for each other, for nature, for the animal kingdom, even for humans! Possibilities! Simple gifts, simple desires! Little pink socks! Mooch and Earl remind me of all these qualities and blessings, which I DESPERATELY crave in the complexity and turmoil of our times. They remind me of the memories I have of my joyful and honest childhood! MUTTS FOREVER!

Jane Artabasy

I have loved Mutts cartoon for a long as I can remember! Thank you!!

Lyn Prickett Austin

Just got a new cellphone so am not yet back on Facebook. I am 82 and consider my biggest triumph in life all the volunteering for animals in shelters and anywhere else I could. Still so much to be done but a great cause to be a part of. Earl, Mooch and the rest make me both think and laugh THANKS for all of you

Darlene Nelson